Post By: Certex Latvija

Training "Saftey working at height"

          The two day training course "Safety working at height" took place at the end of July, in which participated Certex Latvia employees, representives from Certex Lithuania and representives from construction company UPB.   
Trained by Nicky from Safe Site Fall Protection - Powered by Mennens.
          On the first day was theory part, in which we learned what the main risks are when working at height, and how to avoid any risky situations. Learned everything about safety equipment there is to know, how to choose it and what is necessarry for any work at height to be safe.
          On the second day - the practical part. Learnd how to properly put on the saftey equpiment. And in the remaining part of the day acted out various situations from life where we needed to evacuate ourselfs, or evacuate one of our colleagues.

Huge thank you to trainer Nicky for conducting the training and all the participants for participating. 

Learn more about CERTEX Latvija training courses in the services section.
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