The widest assortment of lifting solutions in the Baltics

CERTEX has been operating in Latvia since 1997 and currently the annual turnover has reached 6.1 million. € (in 2020), the company has 32 employees. Our leading experts with 25 years of experience in the production and sale of lifting equipment will help you choose the best and safest solutions for lifting and moving loads. More than 3,000 different lifting solutions are constantly available in CERTEX's large warehouse, and there is also a production plant for rope products located in Latvia, where there are various machines for the fulfillment of specific orders.


Vision, Mission, Values


We are leading experts in our industry and offer sustainable solutions for lifting, securing equipment and fall protection systems for work at height with added value, a deep understanding of customer needs and a dynamic approach to the local market. Our customers value the quality of our products and solutions, as well as the provision of a safe and efficient work environment.


To offer customers a full service in the field of lifting, securing and moving loads, as well as providing them with the most appropriate solutions for safe work at height and related services. While improving work efficiency, the main goal is to set safety for our customers and employees.


The customer is our focus. We act responsibly and make it easy for customers to work with us.
We trust our employees, at the same time we expect great responsibility and dedication from them.
A long-term approach. We believe that taking care of people, relationships and material values leads to motivated employees, satisfied customers and lower costs in the long run.
We look for new ideas and implement the best ones. It puts us at the forefront of the industry, inspires existing and attracts new customers.
We are professionals in our field. A professional in his field means to us:
· Able to understand the client's needs, justify and offer the best solution
· Knows the range of products in the industry (both own company and competitors)
· Positive attitude towards your work, client, company, colleagues
· Continuously improves his skills and knowledge
· Practical work experience and specific knowledge of the field in which it operates Safety. To make every working day accident-free, both for us and for the customers who work with the products and services we offer.


Since 2011, we have implemented the ISO 9001 standard. The ISO 9001 quality management certificate confirms that the company has developed quality measurement criteria, identified all possible risks and continuously works on quality improvement.

"A safe working environment is the foundation of the company's sustainability" - We are first company in Latvia, who has got ISO 45001:2018 certificate.CERTEX Latvia is constantly improving the work environment and providing safe and healthy working conditions so that each day would be without accidents for our customers, who are working with our products and services, and us.

ISO 14001 is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for an environmental management system. It helps organizations improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste, gaining a competitive advantage and the trust of stakeholders.

The CERTEX company has a defined quality policy that we strictly adhere to by checking and controlling our work. Constant development is part of our daily work. We want to provide our customers with the best service and quality products, therefore, in today's ever-changing world, the company's continuous development is of key importance.

The Code of Conduct for Workers provides general guidance for social and environmental ethical conduct. The Code of Ethics applies to all the rights and duties of group employees.

We regularly evaluate our suppliers. The supplier code of ethics aims to ensure that suppliers operate in accordance with internationally recognized minimum standards for human rights, labor and the environment.

We work daily to improve our work and the quality of our products to meet our customers' expectations and requirements. But nothing is so good that it can not be further improved. We will be glad to hear your criticism, comments or appreciation - we can make you even better with your help!

CERTEX operating standards:

CERTEX is certified as a supplier of the Nordic Energy Sector

Do you have any questions?

If you have additional questions, please contact us and we will answer you..
